Beauty and Fashion, Blog

Splurge vs. Save – Beauty Edition

Traditionally, it’s believed that the more expensive a beauty product or the better the name brand – the higher the quality. Here’s the thing, that’s partially true. Typically you do get higher quality items if you do splurge for the higher price. However – many beauty and makeup products really don’t have much variation from… Read More Splurge vs. Save – Beauty Edition

Beauty and Fashion, Blog, Lifestyle

Jane: The Holy Grail of Deals

Since I discovered back in November 2014, my bank account has both cried yet rejoiced. My closet has grown willingly yet is bursting at the seams. And my home has become more of a home but is quickly becoming full. Basically, Jane consolidates sales from Etsy sellers, boutiques, and small businesses and sells them on one platform… Read More Jane: The Holy Grail of Deals