Beauty and Fashion, Blog

Lipsense Review

I have always been a casual to minimum lipstick and lip-gloss wearer. Part of the reason is reminiscent of my Accutane days when all I could do was slather on loads and loads of Vaseline on my lips. In addition, I’ve always had the hardest time keeping lipstick on. I apply, I blink, and poof it’s gone.

LipSense is a 2 (or 3 step) process essentially that promises long or all day wear with one application and a little gloss. It is purchased through independent distributors such as Mary Kay and Lularoe. So it’s a great way for women to make a little extra money or build their business into an empire. It is a subset of Senegence which carries a range of other products as well such as eye shadow and foundations.

The application

I made sure to exfoliate my lips beforehand with a sugar scrub. Then, you apply the LipSense color in a fluid motion applying one layer at a time in the same direction. So I would go from the inner corner on the right to the left and follow the same thing for my top lip. It says to layer 3 times, and that’s what I typically do. Apparently if you layer too much or too little it will not apply as well or peel off easier. After applying the color, I apply the LipSense Glossy Gloss to seal in the color and add some moisture. I also purchased the Lip Balm but I seemed to like regular chapstick better.

When I first used it – I hated it.

It burned my lips, made them feel like LipSense was going to actually make them fall off. I was told and read that this was supposed to happen for the fact that whatever I’ve used previously would affect my lips. It was confusing to apply at first, mainly for the fact I didn’t watch a video or read directions (typical). Once I read the directions I practised a few times and was glad I have the oops remover! It was mainly due to figuring out my lip shape and making sure I was accurate. Typically if I messed up with regular lipstick it was easier to correct.

Eventually I found my stride.

After a few tries I got the hang of it and discovered that it really did last long. I never had it last all day, and if I did a heavy-duty meal, I would definitely have to reapply the glossy gloss, as well as more color. To me, it really stayed through coffee and lunch and typically by the time I got home at the end of the day around 5:30 it was still clinging on, but definitely peeling. I noticed that if I didn’t really exfoliate my lips – the lipsense would basically do it for me and I would have to take a trip to the bathroom, rub it off, and try again.

It’s not for everyone, but it does exactly what it says it does.

I know certain people who absolutely love LipSense, works perfectly for them and they rock it daily! Personally, I’ve found better luck with things like liquid lipsticks in satin or matte finishes because they keep a little more moisture in my lips. I also only have 3 colors that vary quite a bit, so I think if I ventured into some more exciting colors, I may find those to work even better. As I said, I went through 2 rounds of extensive acne medicine so I am VERY sensitive to dry lips. I think if you are on to go and have a decent natural moisture to your lips – Lipsense is perfect! There is no shame in giving something a try.